Do Merv 8 Filters Capture Pet Dander?

For pet dander and allergies, you'll want oven filters with a Merv 8 to Merv 13 rating. Oven filters rated Merv 8 or higher can effectively remove pet dander from the air. On average, Merv 8 filters capture 85% of large air particles and 50% of small particles. If your air conditioner motor can work with a MERV 11 filter, it's a great option for homes with pets or if you have children who are prone to allergies.\When it comes to air filtration, the Merv rating indicates the minimum filter efficiency.

Filters with higher MERV scores can remove more and smaller particles from the air. An oven filter with a Merv rating of 5-8 will stop fibers such as dog and cat hair. However, they won't stop dandruff, and that's what you should be concerned about.\Therefore, you'll want to look for a 13-16 Merv filter, as long as your oven can handle that type of filter. They can stop dandruff and other small debris in the air.

However, a Merv 8 filter captures less than 20% of particles smaller than 0.3 microns. That means things like pet dander, smoke, and some airborne bacteria are likely to pass through the MERV 8 filter.\The first thing to consider is the MERV (Minimum Efficiency Report Value) rating of the furnace filter. It's not always wise to rely on your oven filter alone to remove pet hair and dander from your home. A basic cloth filter isn't ideal for pets, it just can't have a MERV rating good enough for your needs.

Fiberglass filters will not prevent smaller particles, such as mold spores, pollen, and smoke, from entering the HVAC unit.\If you're still unsure which filter merv rating is best for your home, talk to an HVAC expert who can guide you to the right selection. Disposable electrostatic oven filters feature electrostatically charged fibers that attract lint, dust and other tiny particles, ensuring a cleaner airflow in your home. Using the filter with the highest Merv rating in your home would restrict that airflow, making it difficult for your HVAC to function properly. These characteristics will affect the amount of particulate matter the oven filter will capture and the type of particles it will remove from the air.\If this happens, replace the filter and seek help from HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) technicians.

You'll see how often your specific filter needs to be changed, and then you can set a date and stop reviewing it as often. Air can pass through a filter, but contaminants such as hair, pollen, dust, dirt and many other forms of debris are trapped on its surface. You just need to consider using oven filters designed to deal with pet dander that are also the perfect fit for your home oven, both in terms of quality and size, and then make sure the filter is constantly changed on a regular basis.\With this classification, air filters have the ability to block things like bacteria and viruses, along with everything else, and this makes them ideal for people with severe respiratory conditions or sensitivities. Using a MERV rating 13 filter is the best way to protect against bacteria that spread the virus, but you should also consider adding air quality solutions to your home.

These air filters have an activated carbon layer that attracts odor particles and traps them inside the carbon material.